These pictures are posted backwards, but you'll get the idea. Three weeks ago my Mom called and asked if she could have all three of our kids for a week. I didn't have to think twice, of course she could have my kids for a week! They were excited too. The girls had gone to "Grandma Camp" a few years ago while I went on a trip with the youth in our ward and were thrilled to go back. The theme for the week was "Bugs". Each day spotlighted a different bug, the activities, snacks, meals, entertainment, and gifts all went with the days theme. I think my favorite concept was Hungry Catepillar Day on Wednesday where they went to bed as cacoons and emerged as Butterflies for Butterfly Day on Thursday. My Mom had every moment scheduled and detailed with an itinerary 15 pages long. We arrived on Friday for the skit and dinner around the fire before heading to Island Park for the weekend. The picture above is of Ella and Paislee bowing and curtseying at the end of the program.

This is Grant marching to the tune of "The Ants Go Marching One By One", he really got into it.

Paislee singing a solo with Ella playing backup on the triangle and Grant and Tripp on the drums.

Paislee opened the program with a few words out of this bug book.

Ella in one of the willow trees at my Mom's, my Mom planted those trees when I was a baby. Kind of fun seeing my children climb them 30 years later.
Grant and I roasting his hot dog for dinner. He wasn't too sure about the heat of the fire but he loved cooking his own food. We have pictures that my Mom took of the weeks activities that I'll have to post later, they're on Jake's computer.
that is so priceless--what a great Grandma! Awesome
Your kiddos are so cute!
That's so cool that your mom did that! I bet the kids loved it, looks like a lot of fun!
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