We celebrated Grant's third birthday in September. He's growing so fast and is the funniest little boy! I asked him early in the week what he wanted to eat for his birthday dinner. After a long pause he responded with, "Rotten eggs and snails". I had to laugh, then figure out how to make him what he wanted. For breakfast he had "rotten eggs" and bacon!

And for dessert he had snail cupcakes (they had green oozey stuff in the middle).

He asked for a green bean bag for his birthday and was so excited to open it, then go watch a movie while he sat on his own bag!

And for our activity we went bowling, he loves to bowl.

We invited our local family to come with us, above is his cousin Tripp.

Aunt Sarah with Parker.

Grant telling Grandpa Bret that he's three.

Grandpa Bret taking his turn with Parker.

Tripp became quite the bowler by the end of the night, he caught on very quickly and was throwing that ball down the lane like a pro.

Paislee and Grammy Shar.

Ella bowling left handed?

The wildest bowler of the night was Paislee, both her body and her ball were all over the place.

Uncle Allen and Parker.

Papa Bill smooching on lil' P.

The birthday boy:
His favorite color: green
His favorite food: fruit snacks
His favorite toy: Buzz
His favorite movie: Toy Story
His favorite candy: Chocolate

Daddy and Grant, such handsome men!