Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Old Friends!
...is what Jake's friend Craig always called him and after 5 years we were able to hang out and catch up with him and his family.
New Friends
These two girls became fast friends and played together wonderfully for 6 hours.

Lots of Friends!
Our two families.

Silly Friends!
Fun Friends!

Howdy Partner!

We went to such a fun birthday party this last weekend for the sweetest little buckaroo! They had a pony for the kids to ride and our children were so excited. Grant even took a nap without giving me a hard time so he could ride the horse!
Ella had so much fun playing with all of the kids and all the different attractions at the "ranch".

The kids waiting so patiently for the pinata.

Grant wacking the pinata.

And Ella on the horse.
It was a great party and a lot of fun to spend time with friends.

Me, Myself and I

I find myself changing over time, sometimes those changes surprise me. A few months ago I was at the Clinque counter and asked the assistant what color of eye shadow she would recommend other than the neutral browns/creams I usually use. Her response was, "For women with green eyes I recommend purples." I thought, green eyes? what is she talking about. Sure enough when I looked closely in the mirror I could see that my eyes were no longer brown and are now green.

Each time I get my hair straightened I look in the mirror and see a different person. I wish other changes were so easy to make. Once again I'm doing the baby weight loss battle and it's SO discouraging. If I bring sugar into the house I consume it quickly. If I don't bring sugar into the house I think about it all the time. I had a great running schedule figured out along with a great running partner and then a surprise surgery had to happen followed by Jake's work schedule interferring with it. And of course I'm having a difficult time finding 45 minutes to myself during the day to get on the treadmill.

Discipline is another one of those things that I seem to struggle with. I'm an overachiever when it comes to setting goals and thinking of projects. I'm even great at getting organized and started on my endeavor. Where I fail is in the follow through...

The point of this post?

To realign myself, get my priorities straight and start mucking through all those things that weigh me down.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pasta Dreams

May was a big month for our little man. He declared that he will no longer wear diapers and is in the full swing of potty training. He has the liquid part mastered and the other part under control 50% of the time. I've had multiple people tell me how difficult it is to potty train boys, I have to say he is my easiest by far. Because of the potty training we took the locks off of this bedroom door, he can now come tell us if he needs to use the bathroom. However, it also means he escapes from his room when he is not supposed to. Which leads to the third big thing happening in his life, skipping naps. Which in turn ends up with a very tired boy at dinner time, one so tired he would fall asleep in his pasta.
Food is normally the most important thing in his life, but he couldn't keep his eyes opened one minute longer.

So sweet and so aggravating at the same time.

Let's hope his life returns to some sort of normalcy as he pushes through these milestones!

Memorial Day 2010

Grandma Jones with all the great grandchildren that were there for the weekend.
Decoration Day is a huge social event for my Grandma every year and this year was no exception. We had decided weeks ago to travel to IF and visit my Mom and Grandma and shortly before the weekend one of my cousins called and said her family would be going as well. It was a lot of fun and a little crazy at times. Those two girls above are 2 days apart in age and it was fun to get them together.

Paislee and Ella at my Grandpa's grave.

Each year they have a memorial for all the Veterans at the cemetary, it was very touching. Paislee especially enjoyed listening to the symbolism and witnessing the gun salute.